The information on this page is for SelectTime or Seasonal employees. If you’re a regular employee, visit the benefits site for you.

Health & wellness tools

Your health is your most important asset. Use these tools provided by Sun Life to help you and your family get and stay healthy.

Health and wellness companion

  • Health assessment—In just 20 minutes, you’ll get a big picture about your health and a personalized report of steps you can take to improve your health where needed. Click on Take Charge of Your Health to start the assessment.
  • Personal Health Record—Keep track of immunizations, allergies, medications and health issues online. It’s private, confidential and available to you any time you need it.
  • Health Library—Get accurate, up-to-date information about medical conditions and diseases.
  • Medication Library—Find manufacturer’s guidelines for use of drugs, possible side effects, interactions and more.
  • Health and Work Resource Centre—Access a wide range of information on health-related topics.

Canadian HealthCARE navigation

  • Canadian HealthCARE Guide—A uniquely Canadian content about finding a family doctor, wait times, coping with disability or chronic disease, and much more.
  • Health and Wellness Library—Access current health news and tools. Find information about medical conditions and medications available in Canada.
  • Health Services Directory—Find Canadian health services in your community.

Go to the Sun Life website to get started.