The information on this page is for SelectTime or Seasonal employees. If you’re a regular employee, visit the benefits site for you.

Gender-affirming benefits

We want you and your family members to feel valued, supported and celebrated for exactly who you are. That’s why our medical plans cover a wide range of gender-affirming services.

Cigna Select PPO

These medically necessary services are covered under the Cigna plan:

  • Behavioral health services, including counseling for gender dysphoria and related psychiatric conditions (e.g., anxiety, depression)
  • Hormonal therapy, including androgens, anti-androgens, GnRH analogues, estrogens and progestins
  • Laboratory testing to monitor prescribed hormonal therapy
  • Age-related, gender-specific services, including preventive health (e.g., cancer screening, treatment of a prostate medical condition)
  • Gender reassignment and related surgery, including all procedures recommended by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH):
    • Blepharoplasty
    • Rhinoplasty
    • Voice therapy/voice lessons
    • Breast augmentation
    • Electrolysis
    • Facelift
    • Facial bone reduction
    • Insertion of testicular prosthesis
    • Pectoral implants
    • Lipoplasty/lipofilling/liposuction
    • Thyroid reduction chondroplasty
    • Voice modification surgery

In addition, certain medical services may be eligible for travel and lodging benefits if there is no in-network provider available within 60 miles of your home.

Check with your medical plan for specific coverage details. When you call your medical plan provider, you can request to speak with a designated gender-affirming customer service representative.